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A New Face for the New Year!

facelift for a new youAs is always the case with the New Year comes our New Year resolutions – for many of our patients the colder winter months and lack of major Holidays is the best time to consider their cosmetic surgery options. One of the most popular procedures is a Facelift. In recent years, partly due to the dramatic increase in nonsurgical options for facial rejuvenation, patients often are confused as to what is the best solution for them. How do nonsurgical options really compare to a facelift?

Recovery: A short recovery time is one of the main advantages of nonsurgical treatments like BOTOX Cosmetic, injectable fillers and skin tightening lasers. These procedures can be performed on your lunch hour, taking only twenty or thirty minutes, and you can return to work–immediately after. No downtime, and little discomfort. A traditional surgical facelift, on the other hand, usually involves an overnight hospital stay with a private duty nurse. A traditional facelift can also result in a slanted or pulled look.

For patients who seek a better alternative to other facelifting procedures available, the Quick Recovery Facelift developed by Dr. Prasad has many advantages compared to a traditional face lift. The Quick Recovery Facelift is performed under local LITE™ Anesthesia, which is safer than general anesthesia used for most face lift surgeries. The Quick Recovery Facelift produces a shorter scar as the incision is a lot smaller and does not go to the temple. Because of the way the incision is made, hair loss is minimal (if any) and the sideburn is preserved. With the Quick Recovery Facelift, the patient goes home on the same day of surgery. The Quick Recovery Facelift restores the natural relationships of the skin, tissue and muscles of the face, resulting in a natural, youthful appearance that will last long.

Longevity Comparison of Surgical to Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation:  Surgical facelifts give much longer-lasting results than nonsurgical treatments. A recent survey showed that 69% of facelift patients still saw significant results from their facelift over 12 years after surgery. On the other hand, nonsurgical treatments have a much shorter lifespan. From 3 months for BOTOX Cosmetic to a year for Juvederm, no nonsurgical treatment even approaches the lifespan of a facelift.

Cost comparison:  Cost is another factor that may drive patients to select a nonsurgical treatment. People see the $12,000 average price tag for a facelift and balk, but the $500 for a BOTOX Cosmetic injection seems reasonable. But is it when you compare the costs over the lifespan of a facelift? Let’s assume that you get longer-than-average results from BOTOX Cosmetic, about four months, which means you need three sessions a year. Three sessions a year for ten years is $15,000, significantly more than the cost of a facelift. Even if you finance a facelift and end up paying more, the overall cost for the two procedures is comparable.

Get the Best Rejuvenation for Your Face
Another important factor in this comparison is remembering that these two procedures are not really directly comparable because they treat different symptoms of facial aging. Before making a decision, you really need a personal evaluation with Dr. Prasad to determine what is the most appropriate procedure(s) for your specific case.

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