Are the Results of Blepharoplasty Permanent?
The results of eyelid surgery can have long term benefits.
As a practicing Cosmetic Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon for over 20 years, I have seen my
patients over this time period and have been impressed by how good their eyes appear.
The long-term benefits of eyelid surgery also depends on your age at the time of your procedure.
In our practice, we discuss the natural changes of facial aging and how these changes affect
the appearance of the eyes.
Depending on the age you are at the time of your procedure and your general health, the
results of your eyelid surgery can last as long as 5 to 10 years, It’s important to
understand that your eyes don’t revert back to the way they looked before surgery but
additional procedures may be beneficial to help optimize the appearance of your eyes
as time goes on.