How hair restoration can change lives – a doctor’s perspective
There’s no question that hair loss can have a significant effect on your confidence. The
search for a cure for baldness has been a pursuit which spans hundreds of years. As
a hair transplant surgeon, I spent the past 20 years working to perform strategically
optimal surgical procedures to restore hair as hair loss continued to progress. Since
hair transplant can never restore all the hair that’s been lost, it’s very important
to stabilize the progression of hair loss. Satisfaction with hair transplant surgery
depends critically on clear communication between the surgeon and the patient in terms
of the estimated number of hair grafts which can be harvested and specifically the area
to be transplanted. Another element which contributes to satisfaction is the healing
of the donor area. In our practice, we first address hair loss progression using medical
therapy as option such as oral finasteride and topical minoxidil. We’ve also developed
a nonsurgical solution for hair thinning called Hair Regeneration which has made a significant
impact on male pattern baldness, since a large percentage of men do not want to take finasteride
or Propecia because of the potential risk of long term sexual dysfunction. We generally
wait about 18 months after Hair Regeneration treatment to assess the potential benefits
of hair transplant. When we perform hair transplant surgery, I share with my patients the simple
fact that strip surgery or FUT surgery yields significantly more grafts than a typical FUE
or follicular unit extraction surgery. In the right candidate who wears their hair more
than inch in length, the volume and density of grafts can be 30% more than an FUE procedure.
We also show how with advanced wound healing technology combined with meticulous Cosmetic
Surgery closure, the incision line can be imperceptible. I would caution people to learn
more about these options before they get persuaded to have surgery using so called advanced computer
or other tech based FUE procedures.