Can I choose between a parallel or tapered crease for my Asian double eyelid surgery?
Double eyelid surgery also called Asian eyelid surgery or Asian double eyelid surgery is a very
popular procedure worldwide it’s generally understood that about half of the people of
Asian descent are born without an eyelid crease which applies to people who are
Chinese Japanese Korean as well as other Asian ethnicities it’s often observed that the
absence of an eyelid crease can make the eyes appear smaller and even look tired or
possibly even angry this means that double eyelid surgery can make the eyes look bigger and brighter
people considering double eyelid surgery become aware of the different types of eyelid creases
for example the parallel crease is where the eyelid crease runs parallel
to the eyelid margin of the upper eyelid the tapered or nasally tapered crease it literally
tapers in towards the inner corner of the eye although most of my patients are interested in a
natural result I do find that it’s helpful to show my patients the difference between
these two types of creases and what my recommendations are for their specific situation
I’m Dr Amiya Prasad I’m a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial
plastic and reconstructive surgeon I’ve been in practice in New York City and Long Island for
over 25 years I routinely perform all types of cosmetic eyelid surgeries such as helping people
who have under eye bags and hooded upper eyelids I also perform specialized cosmetic oculoplastic
procedures such as eyelid ptosis correction I’m well known for performing Asian double eyelid
surgery and as mentioned earlier i there are about 50 percent of Asians are born without an eyelid
crease of course this particular characteristic can apply to other ethnicities who have Asian
features now during consultation I’ll show the patient by using an instrument or a Q-Tip and
push back the eyelid skin where a natural crease would have formed if they had been
born with one now pushing the skin back this way also shows how the patient’s natural anatomy
would have determined whether their natural crease would have been parallel or nasally tapered
as far as a patient requesting a type of crease in my opinion forcing a type of crease that does not
fit your natural anatomy can result in an unnatural looking crease and make you appear
kind of plastic upon determining what kind of eyelid crease looks natural the next step is to
determine what kind of surgical procedure should be performed generally speaking there are two
types of double eyelid surgery approaches there’s an incisional or a non-incisional
option incisional surgery is usually performed in the presence of excessive skin fat or combination
of the two younger patients in their 20s and 30s usually don’t have excess skin or fat so I
usually perform non-incisional Asian eyelid surgeries for these patients with this technique
small openings are made in the upper eyelid so sutures can be passed through these openings to
in order to create a connection between the upper eyelid skin and the muscle that lifts the eyelid
called the levator muscle the area where the connection is made is where the eyelid skin folds
when the eyes opened thereby creating a crease where there wasn’t one before for older patients
who have some eyelid skin laxity due to aging and some prolapsed fat behind the upper eyelid
some eyelid skin and fat can be reduced so that these patients can have a proper crease
now sutures are placed to close the incision and like the non-incisional approach the incisional
procedure the crease is formed where the suture makes a connection between the eyelid skin
and the levator muscle I perform all my eyelid surgeries in my office operating facilities
using local anesthesia with LITE IV sedation thereby avoiding the risks and complications
associated with general anesthesia most of my patients are able to return to work in one week
or less with minimal swelling so although it’s possible to pursue a nasally tapered or parallel
crease by choice in my opinion it’s better to work within your natural anatomy so that
the eyelid crease you have after surgery appears natural and consistent with your facial features
I hope you found this information helpful thank you for your question