What’s the most important thing to know about hair transplants?
For decades, hair transplant surgery has been aggressively marketed to the point from my
experience, that the expectations that people have been sold unfortunately do not match
the results actually experience. In my opinion, the most important thing to know about a hair
transplant is the actual limitations of what a hair transplant can achieve. Currently hair
transplant marketing is focused on new technologies to more effectively perform FUE or follicular
unit extraction transplants. This promotion of technologies such as robot surgery in opinion
distracts from the limitations and the outcomes of these procedures. So what are the limitations
of a hair transplant? There are 2 significant limitations you need to understand: 1) Hair
transplant does not stop hair loss. This means you will continue to lose hair and the hair
grafts can look isolated and pluggy. 2) You have a limited number of transplantable hair.
The permanent donor area is the limited band of hair you see on bald man or a man with
advanced hair loss. This combination of continuous hair thinning and the limitation of the donor
area has left many people who had multiple hair transplants until they ran out of donor
hair to look like they still have very little hair. This also has left their wallets also
thinner. Until recently, a hair transplant was the only option for someone who is losing
hair and has not responded to medical therapy such as finasteride or minoxidil. We’ve
developed an alternative solution called Hair Regeneration. Hair Regeneration is based on
the application of advanced stem cell wound healing technology which appears clinically
to stop hair thinning and thicken existing hair. In our practice, we’ve changed our
approach to hair loss by applying this strategy to overcome the limitations of hair transplant
surgery. This means that many people considering hair transplant surgery have been so satisfied
with their results with Hair Regeneration that they didn’t need to have a hair transplant.
Even for someone who has for example frontal balding with no hair, we still use Hair Regeneration
to stop the hair loss progression so we can be more strategic in performing a hair transplant
at a later time.