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Eyelid Surgery - New York

Our eyes have a huge impact on our external appearance; they can make us look and feel young and joyful, or tired and old. We’d like our physical reflections to represent the youthful vision of ourselves that we have in our minds, as well as express the vibrant manner we still feel.

Unfortunately, the eyes are often the first to show signs of ageing, due to the very thin and delicate skin that surrounds it. Years of neglected skin care, sun exposure, and rough make-up application can contribute to the eventual wrinkling and sagging skin around the eye area, though most of it is largely due to the natural ageing process. In fact, the simple act of blinking our eyes causes minuscule stretching of the elastic fibers in the skin around the eyes, as well as the fibers in the levator muscle, which is responsible for raising the eyelid.

Top Blepharoplasty Surgeon NYC

New York-based Oculofacial plastic surgeon, Dr. Amiya Prasad  is an eye “superspecialist” and a Fellow of the prestigious American Society of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. With over 16 years of experience in practicing eye surgery (or what is known as blepharoplasty), Dr. Prasad can help you recapture your youth and feel more confident about your appearance, while addressing the problem signs of aging safely and effectively.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Prasad routinely performs eyelid surgery, as well as unique procedures not offered by many cosmetic surgeons, including: asian eyelid surgery, exotic eyelifts, eyelash transplant and non-invasive eyelifts. Concerns and complications related to aging, prior surgery, trauma or hormones (wrinkles, scars, or a deformity of the eye area) can be corrected with eyelid surgery.


Are you a candidate for Eye Surgery (Blepharoplasty)?

In order to determine whether you are a candidate for blepharoplasty, consider the following points:

  • You want to look younger and fresher without making drastic changes to your face.
  • Applying make-up is becoming increasingly difficult because the saggy skin causes creases in your foundation or eyeshadow.
  • You work in an image-driven industry wherein you need to maintain a healthy, well-rested look.
  • You are about to embark on a new chapter of your life (making a career change, etc.)
  • You take care of your body by eating right and working out, but your eyes don’t seem to look as good as you feel.
  • You find that you’re often surprised by the way your eyes look in photos or videos of yourself.
  • You have already used countless, different eye creams and gels and have found them to be ineffective.
  • People consistently ask you if you’re tired or if you’ve been getting enough sleep.
  • You know you would feel much more confident if your eyes could look more bright and refreshed.

If you can relate to these points, then you are most likely a good candidate for a blepharoplasty. Keep in mind, however, that in addition to these points, a patient who wants to undergo blepharoplasty, like with any other type of surgery, must be in good health with no existing serious medical conditions.

They must hopefully also be willing to make the necessary changes to their lifestyle (quitting smoking or excessive sunbathing, exercising more, eating right, etc.) in order to get the most out of the results of their surgery.

When considering if you are a candidate for blepharoplasty surgery, you need to be clear about why you feel the need to change your appearance. Remember: No one should ever convince you to get cosmetic surgery. Ultimately, the decision to have blepharoplasty surgery is a highly personal choice and will depend on your own cosmetic goals.

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Patient Before and after surgery
This is a 40 year old Caucasian female who had spent a lot of time
in her twenties in the sun. As a teacher she was noticing that she was
having difficulty keeping her eyes open while working and noticed that
lifting the skin off of her eyes resulted in her feeling relief. She also
felt frustrated with applying makeup to the eye area since this extra
skin caused it to smear. Dr. Prasad performed cosmetic upper eyelid
blepharoplasty, which revealed the natural shape of her eyes and
further allowed her to apply cosmetics as she wished.
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Patient Before and after surgery
This is a 40 year old Caucasian female who had spent a lot of time in her twenties in the sun. As a teacher she was noticing that she was having difficulty keeping her eyes open while working and noticed that lifting the skin off of her eyes resulted in her feeling relief. She also felt frustrated with applying makeup to the eye area since this extra skin caused it to smear. Dr. Prasad performed cosmetic upper eyelid blepharoplasty, which revealed the natural shape of her eyes and further allowed her to apply cosmetics as she wished.

Patient Testimonial Video

If you have decided that blepharoplasty surgery is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Prasad, super specialist in eye and eyelid surgery.

Dr. Prasad’s Blepharoplasty Technique – The SmartLift™ Eyelift

Motivated by the desire to perform more effective eye surgeries, Dr. Prasad developed a technique for blepharoplasty surgery that he calls the SmartLift™ Eyelift. This particular technique is designed to make use of a minimal incision method, alongside Dr. Prasad’s LITE™ Anesthesia sedation method, in order to achieve maximal, natural-looking results with minimal risk. Because of this approach, the downtime after the procedure is significantly shorter than that of blepharoplasty surgery performed under general anesthesia.

General anesthesia is known to have more attendant risks than local anesthesia. There is a tendency for the patient to suffer from nausea after the procedure, and recovery is known to take much longer. And while, having a patient under general anesthesia may be more convenient for the surgeon, it may represent a greater burden to the patient, thus the SmartLift™ Eyelift approach is certainly a safer option.

Dr. Prasad has also developed a system that helps him categorize a patient’s eyelids based on gender, age, ethnic background and skin condition. Because eye surgery is such a delicate procedure and because no eye is the same, each approach much be customized to suit the individual. While this system is undoubtedly helpful, it is ultimately the personalized artistic touch of Dr. Prasad that makes all the difference in the beauty of your results.

SmartLift Eyelift Patient Before and after surgery
This 43-year old woman was complaining that it was becoming
difficult to place eyeshadow onto her upper eyelids because of the
excess skin. She was also a runner and complained that her upper
eyelid skin would get irritated because the skin was loose. Dr. Prasad
performed a cosmetic upper lid blepharoplasty which allowed her
to apply her makeup in a way that she desired.
SmartLift Eyelift Patient Before and after surgery
This 43-year old woman was complaining that it was becoming difficult to place eyeshadow onto her upper eyelids because of the excess skin. She was also a runner and complained that her upper eyelid skin would get irritated because the skin was loose. Dr. Prasad performed a cosmetic upper eyelid blepharoplasty which allowed her to apply her makeup in a way that she desired.

What is Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is performed on excess, loose, saggy skin on the upper eyelids. This excess skin, as experienced by runners, tends to cause irritation especially when sweat drips into the area. Some women also note that putting on make-up is frustrating, as the excess skin tends to cause creases in their foundation or eyeshadow.

The goal of upper eyelid blepharoplasty is to restore the lid’s natural line, and this is achieved by making a small incision in the crease of the upper eyelid. The scar usually heals quite well and is difficult to see, even when your eyes are closed.

Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty Patient Before and after surgery
This 55-year old business man traveled all over the world for his work.
He felt that he was working with people who were younger than him
and he was being labeled as “older”. He felt that his eyes were affecting
his ability to communicate and be effective in his work. He was also
very concerned that any surgery not make him look “plastic”.
Dr. Prasad performed conservative upper and lower blepharoplasty
to give his eyes a more vibrant appearance.
Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty Patient Before and after surgery
This 55-year old business man traveled all over the world for his work. He felt that he was working with people who were younger than him and he was being labeled as “older”. He felt that his eyes were affecting his ability to communicate and be effective in his work. He was also very concerned that any surgery not make him look “plastic”. Dr. Prasad performed conservative upper and lower blepharoplasty to give his eyes a more vibrant appearance.

View more eyelid surgery before and after photos


What is Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty (under eye bag surgery) is used to eliminate puffiness and heavy bags under the eyes that is caused by displaced orbital fat (fat that surrounds and cushions the eye inside the orbit). Lower eyelid blepharoplasty can be done in two ways: the more traditional transcutaneous approach (through the skin), and the transconjunctival approach (inside the eyelid). But generally, both techniques involve the removal and sculpting of excess fat and skin.

Eye lift Surgery Review

“Awesome Eyelift! – I had been getting very tired eyes daily even though I wasn’t tired. My upper lids were covered by drooping skin and I had fat deposits on my lowers. My plastic surgery was only 4 weeks ago and I am thrilled with the job Dr. Prasad did. It was easy, painless and very quick recovery. If you are considering this, you want Dr. Prasad, excellent results !!”  —Patient JC

Eyelid Surgery in New York City and Long Island New York

Dr. Amiya Prasad has two New York offices: one in Manhattan and the other in Garden City, Long Island, where he performs surgical and non-surgical procedures. Our state-of-the-art facility is designed for your safety, comfort and convenience. Call (212) 265-8877 for our Manhattan office, or our Garden City, Long Island office at (516) 742-4636 for any inquiries or fill up the form below.

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