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Laser & Light Treatments

PRASAD Cosmetic Surgery offers some of the most advanced laser procedures in our offices in Garden City, Long Island and Upper East Side, NYC, available today to treat various skin disorders such as:

  • Varicose veins
  • spider veins
  • anti-aging treatments for deep skin rejuvenation
  • treatment for removal of rosacea
  • hand rejuvenation for treating protruding hand veins
  • brown pigment and thin skin.

Laser skin resurfacing can improve minor facial flaws, such as:

  • Fine lines or wrinkles around or under your eyes, forehead or mouth
  • Scars from acne or chickenpox
  • Non-responsive skin after a facelift
  • Aged or sun-damaged skin
  • Liver spots
  • Improve your complexion if you have yellowish or grayish skin tones
  • Warts
  • Birthmarks such as linear epidermal nevi
  • Enlarged oil glands on the nose

But it’s not just the procedures themselves that make these treatments at PRASAD Cosmetic Surgery unique. It’s the experience and expertise of our staff and in the way we treat our patients.

Whether it’s a procedure to remove ropy varicose veins, wrinkles, age spots or any other treatment, Oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Amiya Prasad will create and manage your individualized treatment plan, ensuring the highest quality care and the most effective results.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photo Rejuvenation

With no downtime, PhotoRejuvenation fights skin damage by reducing pore size, smoothing skin, and evening skin tone. Usually a series of 5 – 8 treatments are required depending on the area and the condition of your skin. Each treatment is approximately 15 – 30 minutes and are performed in the PRASAD MediSpa.
before and after IPL Skin Treatment

Don’t let your looks Fall Short!

Be ready to Show Off The Real You – Get that radiant skin you have always dreamed of!

Intensed Pulsed Light (IPL)…This non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment stimulates the growth of new collagen and improves skin tone. It reduces large pores, uneven skin tones, broken capillaries, sun spots and signs of early aging.

For more information call or email us

Pelleve™ Skin Tightening & Wrinkle Reduction for the Face

Pellevé™ is a new technology that gives you smoother tighter skin and treats facial wrinkles without surgery. At Prasad Cosmetic Surgery in Garden City & Manhattan, NY Pellevé™ is safe and FDA-approved for the non-invasive treatment of mild to moderate facial wrinkles for certain skin types.

Pellevé™ comfortable heats the deep layers of your skin using advanced radiowave technology without damaging the epidermis, or top layer. The heat causes the collagen in your skin to contract and tighten. After the treatment, collagen production is boosted. The result is an overall improvement in skin quality, firmness and tightness you can see and feel.

Pellevé™ is used to effectively treat the skin on the face, including frown lines, eye area, nasolabial folds and marionette lines. It can also be applied to the neck. The Pellevé™ procedure is quick and typically about an hour for a full facial treatment. There is no anesthesia, no pain, and no downtime associated with Pellevé™. Many of our patients see results after just one treatment, with lasting improvement for up to 6 months as your skin produces new collagen. Based on your skin type and condition, we will recommend a number of treatments during your Pellevé™

Schedule a consultation with Oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Amiya Prasad.

Pelleve Non Surgical Skin Tightening

before and after single Pelleve wrinkle treatment

Micro Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

The Micro Fractional CO2 Laser technology is particularly effective for treatment of skin conditions such as fine and coarse wrinkles, raised or unsightly scars (such as from acne), dilated pores, uneven pigmentation and sun damaged skin.

Developed during 25 years of scientific research, the technology uses a beam of mixed light that is filtered through CO2 and isolates specific wavelengths that comes into contact with the outer layer of skin.

The light beam heats and vaporizes the skin tissue and instantly removes superficial layers, scars and wrinkles while smoothing out the surface of the skin. The resultant remodeling in the deeper layers stimulates new collagen growth which yields firmer and more glowing skin.

Dr. Amiya Prasad Explains MiXto SX Micro Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment

For his practice, Oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Amiya Prasad has selected the MiXto SX Micro Fractional CO2 Laser as it best suits busy New Yorkers who want healthy, younger looking skin with minimal discomfort in a short period of time.

The MiXto SX Fractional CO2 Laser uses a computerized pattern generator and a new, efficient scanning algorithm (program) so that heat is dispersed within the epidermis(superficial skin layer) while evenly treating damaged areas.

This particular algorithm effectively reduces discomfort, the need for anesthesia, and recovery time. A single treatment can show dramatic improvement in skin texture and color and leave it smooth, firm and even-toned.

The Micro Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment may be combined with other facial procedures such as a facelift, eyelift, rhinoplasty, or browlift. It can be a remarkable achievement to be able to do this single treatment procedure with a facelift. With Micro Fractional CO2 Laser, the whole face may be treated at the same time.

The MiXto SX Laser has been very successful in helping patients who are not ready for a facelift. Since the laser rejuvenates by improving the tone and luster of the skin, it can refresh the face by leveling out small to medium sized wrinkles. For patients who have had already had a facelift within the past few years, this laser treatment is a great way to obtain a refreshed look without having another surgical procedure. Another very important application of laser therapy is to rejuvenate the hands to match the rejuvenated face.


You have to be a smooth operator to make it in NYC, where running with the bulls (and bears) of Wall Street and navigating the cutting-edge fashion of 5th Avenue require a certain slickness; and minus the unsavory stubble, you are.

Unwanted facial and body hair is a common problem that can be a source of distress for both men and women.

Many treatment options for managing unwanted hair have been available over the years, such as shaving and waxing, but these methods are temporary and offer varying degrees of success.

Excessive hair growth is classified as either hypertrichosis or hirsuitism.

  • Hypertrichosis is the excessive growth of body hair in a normal or abnormal pattern. It may be genetic or due to medications, hormones, malnutrition, tumors or metabolic problem
  • Hirsuitism is excessive growth of hair in women, but in a male pattern — such as the beard, mustache or lower abdomen and may be due to hormonal problems, medications, tumors or heredity.
laser hair removal model

Lower Leg Laser Hair Removal

Tired of shaving your legs?

Tired of shaving over ingrown hairs?

Laser Hair Removal of the Lower Leg for Men and Women permanently reduces hair growth from knee to ankle, leaving you super-smooth.

This treatment goes beyond technology, at PRASAD Cosmetic Surgery and Medi Spa you’ll be treated by the best who know that any good laser treatment requires serious skincare knowledge.

Top New York Oculoplastic Surgeon Dr. Amiya Prasad oversees all patients and will consult with you to find your best treatment option. You can be assured of having the most comprehensive and skilled treatment due to the expertise that Dr. Prasad is known for worldwide, as well as the extensive training that he and his dedicated staff have gained with him.

flawless lower leg model

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